A Two-Day Training Workshop held in UoT’s Gwadar Campus
Posted on 19 Oct, 2020 - Published by
A Two-Day Training Workshop on “Effective Teaching and Learning” for newly inducted Teaching Fellows and Visiting Teachers was held at the University of Turbat’s Gwadar Campus from 15-16 October 2020.

The training workshop was organized by UoT’s Gwadar Campus in collaboration with the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) the University of Turbat.
The teachers from Government Boys Degree College Gwadar also participated in the training workshop.
The master trainer Mr. Chakar Haider lecturer Political Science Department UoT and Mr. Mujahid Hussain Incharge Commerce department UoT’s Gwadar campus were the resource person of the training workshop.
While speaking on the occasion of the closing ceremony, the chief guest Mir Naveed Kalmati Group leader Gwadar Chamber of Commerce appreciated the efforts of the management of University of Turbat Gwadar Campus and his entire team for arranging such a productive training workshop for the capacity building of the faculty members which is the biggest need for any institution of higher education.
He emphasized on development of education and educational institutions in Gwadar to fulfill the need for human resources in the projects of CPEC.
He further added that “promotion and up the progression of colleges and university is the top priority of the political representatives of the area including myself and we will leave no stone unturned for the growth of educational institutions in Gwadar”.
Mir Naveed Kalmati urged upon faculty members to go abroad as well as best institutions of the country for higher studies and come back with modern knowledge and technology to serve the society which will be the biggest contribution for society as well as economic growth of the country.
He thanked the administration of the University of Turbat, campus administration, and faculty member for giving him the honor to join the closing ceremony of the training workshop and he also assured his full support for the further development of the Gwadar campus.
Speaking on the occasion, the training coordinator Mr. Mujahid Hussain highlighted the objectives of the training workshop and thanked Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir Vice Chancellor University of Turbat for his full support and a keen interest in developing the Gwadar campus and promoting higher education in this region.