Director's Message
The Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) is operational since the inception of the University of Turbat (UoT). ORIC at UoT provides its faculty members and students the operational support in preparing, submitting, and presenting research proposals. In addition, this office plays a key role in facilitating the University-Industry linkages for the commercialization of the research work prepared by the members of UoT research community. As the quality of research work serves as an essential impetus for the higher rankings of the universities and development of the faculty, ORIC at UoT provides services for innovation, commercialization, patents, research and development, workshops/seminars/conferences/research article publication honorarium to members of UOT research community. With such support provided by our Office, the faculty members/scholars at UOT are well prepared to promote their research work both nationally and internationally.
Further, ORIC at UoT is committed to joining hands with the academia, industry, and the social sector involving itself in signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective to bring new projects/training programs for the students and the faculty members to involve in joint research projects and solving social, industrial, and academic problems.
Director ORIC
We have signed MOUs with the following:

Mir Elahi Bakhsh Rind Scholarship (MEBRS)

Taj Mohammad Scholarship