Quality Enhancement Cell


The Quality Enhancement Cell was established at the University of Turbat with the approval of the worthy Vice Chancellor.


QEC is established at the University of Turbat with the aim of determining and maintaining the standards of teaching, examinations, and research in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching through a structured improvement plan, evaluation, and continuous monitoring.

Role of Quality Enhancement Cell

Maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness is crucial in HEIs. Quality Enhancement Cell, an internal quality assurance mechanism of the institution, is conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level with appropriate structure and processes to meet the diverse needs of the stakeholders.

QEC Responsibility

The functions of the QEC include but are not limited to evaluation of each taught course, program assessment, faculty evaluation, student surveys, campus reviews, and review of PG programs of the University with respect to teaching, research publications, and compliance to the HEC minimum guidelines.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  1. CQI is achieved through continuous follow-ups on the progress against the Corrective action taken as a result of
  2. Students, Faculty, Alumni, and Employers' feedback
  3. Self-Assessment of Degree Programs
  4. Program Accreditation
  5. Review of Institutional Performance Evaluation
  6. Review of MS/ M.Phil. or equivalent and Ph.D. Degree Programs of the university
Director’s Message

The University of Turbat is committed to providing an educational environment for its students to acquire quality education. The main objective of the Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell, UoT is to ensure and enhance the quality of teaching and learning experiences of students in the university setting. I strongly believe that QEC can play an important role in maintaining the confidence of all stakeholders by providing them with timely feedback and continuously enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by incorporating their recommendations. All stakeholders including employers, graduates, prospective students, faculty members, academia, or future issues, all need good graduates and quality research and without considering their input and then summarizing and analyzing the results, it is impossible to coordinate the entire education system to deliver quality output.

The Directorate of QEC continuously adopts the best practices of other HEIs in the country and HEC's guidelines, policies, and instruments as per the need of the University.

Mail Address:

The Directorate of Quality Enhancement Cell, Admin Block University of Turbat, M-8 CPEC Road, Turbat Balochistan, Pakistan

Email Address: [email protected]/[email protected]

Telephone: +92852400507