UoT’s Gwadar Campus hosts Pegham e Pakistan Conference
Posted on 28 Oct, 2020 - Published by
A two-day-long Pegham-e-Pakistan Conference was organized by University of Turbat’s Gwadar Campus on 28th and 29th October 2020, in collaboration with Islamic Research Institute International Islamic University Islamabad, Balochistan Rural Support Program (BRSP), NRSP, Federal and Provincial Government, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and Zalmi Foundation. The Conference was planned with the special attention of Federal Minister for Defense Production Madam Zubaida Jalal,
The District Administration of Gwadar, GDA Public Higher and Secondary School (PHSS) Gwadar and RCDC Gwadar also collaborated in organizing various events of the Conference.

Different events of Pegham-e-Pakistan were held at auditorium of GDA (PHSS) Gwadar while National Seminar on Cultural Cohesion was held in RCDC Gwadar on 28th October, 2020.

Senator Kahuda Babar graced the Youth National Conference as chief guest. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir vice chancellor University of Turbat, Prof. Dr. Zia-ul-Haq DG IRI Islamabad, Nadir Gul Bareech CEO BRSP, Noor Muhsin President Press Club Gwadar, Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Principal GDA PHSS Gwadar, Ms Robina Shaheen Principal/ Director Complex for special Education, Khuda Bakhsh Hashim prominent educationist, Muhammad Akram Tareen, Dr. Taj Baloch and Ijaz Ahmed Director Gwadar Campus University of Turbat shared their thoughts on National Peace Narratives of Pegham-e-Pakistan, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building, Media Peace Disclosure: Constraints, Concept and Peace Building, Anger and Stress Management, Building Peace through Education and Being the change (Success Story).
Various performances like Milli Naghma, Drama, Tableaus, songs and poetry on role of youth in promotion of peace in society, socio-economic development, integrity and interfaith harmony by the students of various education institutions were also part of the Youth Conference.

Addressing on the occasion, the chief guest of the conference Senator Kahuda Babar has said that for the first time in the history of Gwadar, the successful commencement of Pegham-e-Pakistan Youth Conference is a sign of dedication of knowledge and peace among the youth here in Gwadar. He said that the Paigham e Pakistan is the message of development of Gwadar and promotion of peace.
He said "We used to complain about government institutions but we are fortunate that now the standard educational institutes like Cadet College Ormara and Gwadar Campus of Turbat University have started here in Gwadar.
We need a complete university in Gwadar and we hope Federal Minister for Defense Production Zubaida Jalal will fulfill her promise to establish a full-fledged university in Gwadar.”
He said here is a need to promote national values like tolerance and harmony in the society. Gwadar is emerging in the region as an important industrial city of the future. Development is knocking on the doorstep of Gwadar through projects like construction of airport and coal power project. Young people should focus on skill development to reap the benefits of these development schemes.
He said that technical youth would be needed for port handling and skilled human resource for other development projects. The government is taking practical steps to make the youth skilled with education.

In his address Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir VC UoT warmly welcomed the chief guest, speakers, scholars, notables, media persons, teachers, students and audience from all walks of life in the conference.
He said that after successful conduct of 2nd Pegham e Pakistan at the main campus of Turbat University on 26th and 27th October, now it is great moment to celebrate informative and consultative sessions under Pegham e Pakistan Youth Conference/ Dukhatran e Pakistan Conference and other recreational activities here in Gwadar campus of Turbat University which is depicting National Narrative of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Vice Chancellor congratulated faculty members, administrative staff, students of Gwadar campus and other contributors for their zeal, contributions and patriotic approach for managing this event in good manner.
VC said it is a platform to identify the problems faced by our country and find out the solution of such problems in friendly and peaceful manner, which can lead us to devise a strategy to achieve the goals of the creation of Pakistan.
He said that this conference will provide us an opportunity to become a nation much stronger, united, developed and well cultured and to promote tolerance, harmony and peace in the society.
Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir said that the youth of Gwadar are second to none in all walks of life, they can play an important role in enhancing the efforts for development and peace building in society.
He said the narrative of Pegham e Pakistan is a source of promotion of constructive thinking for peace building in our society.
In his address, Dr. Zia-ul-Haq said that the main objective of the Pegham e Pakistan conference is to discuss the way to promote peace and harmony in the society and the vital role the educated youth in bringing all socio-economic segments of society closer. He said Pegham e Pakistan is our national narrative against terrorism and extremism.
BRSP CEO Nadir Gul Bareech said that BRSP is working in 31 districts of Balochistan under the Employment Scheme to lift 88,000 poor families out of economic poverty. The family provided Rs. 50,000 under the micro credit scheme Regi so that they can arrange employment for themselves, he said that we are working with other welfare organizations and the government sector to make the youth skilled. We have set a target of providing skill development training to 980 boys and girls to make them skilled.
The 29th October 2nd day of the Peghame.Pakistan (Dukhtaran e Pakistan) was dedicated to women in which Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir, Dr. Zia-ul-Haq, Ms Fatima Khan, Akram Tareen, Madam Bilqees Suleman, Ms Shehnaz Lal, Ms Anila shamim, Ms Zaitoon, Ms Ayesha Nasir Teaching Fellow Gwadar Campus and Aida Baloch Lecturer GDA PHSS Gwadar expressed their thoughts on National Narrative of Peghame.Pakistan (Dukhtaran e Pakistan), Launching Vision 2020, Ethics of Disagreement, Strong Family makes Strong Society, Role of Women for Peace Building and Role of Women in Conflict Management.
Students from different organizations and education institutions highlighted problems faced by women in our society through drama/tableau and songs. They also presented performances on women role in promoting education, prosperity, peace and harmony in our society.
In his welcome address during Dukhtaran-e-Pakistan Conference, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir said this conference is aimed to give an ample opportunity to the women to polish their talent, and play favorable role in peace building in the country.
Campus Director Ijaz Ahmed extended vote of thanks to the speakers, organizers, notables, guests, audience, teachers and students for their participations and contributions in the conference.
The speakers shared their thoughts on the way forward and to promote national narrative against terrorism and extremisms for peace building and promote tolerance in the society.
The speakers highlighted the merits of Islamic way of social reciprocity, tolerance and interfaith coexistence and warned how social and ethnic differences were being used to create a divide amongst the people to create chaos.
The national and local artists, youth and students from different institutions including UoT’s Gwadar campus, Government Girls Degree College Gwadar, GDA PHSS, Gwadar Grammar School, BRSP, NRSP Gwadar, Social Welfare Department Gwadar and skilled men and women from different organizations and educational institutions showcased their talent through drama, tableau, song and performances during two day long Pegham e Pakistan conference.
An Artisan Festival was also organized under the auspices of BRSP and NRSP in which artists from Gwadar, Balochistan and entire country participated.
The contributions of women to the social fabric and the overall good of the community were focused in the festival.
Cultural embroidery, Balochi costumes and other handy-crafts were displayed in the festival to showcase the skills of women workers which gained much appreciation from the visitors at the event. The sand art was also part of the festival.
Senator Kahuda Babar and Prof, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir VC UoT along with other guests visited different exhibition stalls and encouraged national and local artisans.
The Pegham e Pakistan conference was also attended by a diverse audience and notables including Ghulam Farooq Baloch Registrar UoT, Mr. Naveed Kalmati President Gwadar Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad General Manager BRSP, Chakar Haider PSO to VC, Ganguzar Baloch Deputy Registrar UoT, NRSP Regional Officers, teachers, officers and students of different colleges and schools, Civil Society Members, Media Persons, Religious Scholars, notables of the area, social activists and people from all walks of life.
Mr. Zain-ul-Abideen Lecturer Gwadar Campus, Ms. Ayesha Nasir Visiting Teacher Gwadar Campus, Mr. Waleed Wafa and Ms. Javaria students of Gwadar Campus performed the responsibility of stage secretary in two-days-long Pegham e Pakistan Conference.
Senator Kahuda Babar, UoT’s VC Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir, Dr, Zia-ul-Haq, Nadir Gul Bareech, Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Registrar Ghulam Farooq and Deputy Registrar Ganguzar Baloch distributed souvenirs, shields and Balochi Chadir among the speakers and performers.
Zalmi Youth Engagement was another eye catching event of Paigham e Pakistan, in which Zalmi Foundation in collaboration with UoT’s Gwadar Campus and District Cricket Association Gwadar also conducted Open Cricket Trail at Senator Muhammad Ishaq Baloch Cricket Stadium Gwadar on 28th October 2020. Dozens of cricket players from Gwadar participated in trial and 13 best players were shortlisted for next round.