SIMU, NED and IBA to enhance collaboration with UoT
Posted on 20 Dec, 2021 - Published by
Sindh Madressatul Islam (SMI) University, NED University, and IBA have agreed to enhance collaboration with the University of Turbat (UoT) for further strengthening the Directorate of QEC.
Dr. Riaz Ahmed, Director QEC at UoT visited the directorates of QEC of SIMU, NED, and IBA Karachi on 15-17 December 2021 for exchange of the best practices and to enhance coordination with QECs of these universities.

He met with the officials of QECs including Dr. Saima Baig, Director, Mr. Ziauddin Ahmed, Deputy Director, QEC SMIU, Dr. Muhammad Wasif, Deputy Director, QEC NED, Mr. Sheikh Masood Ali, Manager and two Senior Executives of QEC IBA, Miss Anjiya Nuruddin and Miss Saadia Rasheed, They assured to extend collaboration in strengthening of QEC at their universities. Dr. Riaz Ahmed also visited incubation centers of IBA where the incubators briefed him about their business plans.