Mir Zahoor Buledi laid down foundation stone of the Faculty of Law project phase-II
Posted on 23 Feb, 2022 - Published by
Mir Zahoor Ahmed Baledi, Provincial Minister for Planning and Development laid the foundation stone of the Faculty of Law, University of Turbat development project phase-II on 21st February 2022 in the presence of Prof. Dr. Jan Mohammad, Vice-Chancellor, University of Turbat, Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Ganguzar Baloch, Registrar, Dr. Gul Hassan, Dean, Faculty of Legal Education, Ijaz Ahmed, Director Public Relations, Mahmood Ameer Bux, Chairperson, Law Department, Chakar Hyder, PSO to Vice-Chancellor, Rehmatullah Baloch, Director Procurement and media representatives.

Speaking on the occasion, the Provincial Minister said that the government has allocated a significant amount in the budget 2021-22 for the betterment of the education sector in Balochistan.
On this occasion, Abdul Qayyum Rind, Xen B&R Kech while briefing the Provincial Minister about the project, said that the phase-II of the project consists of all facilities including academic services, faculty lodges, and student facilitation center with state-of-the-art CCTV and solar system.

Earlier, Mir Zahoor Ahmed Buledi called on Vice-Chancellor Dr. Jan Mohammad at Law Faculty. Appreciating the efforts of Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad and Prof. Dr. Gul Hassan for the timely completion of Phase-1 of the project, Provincial Minister assured that the government would provide all support and facilities to the University of Turbat for imparting quality education to the students.