Online session on "Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice" held at Turbat University
Posted on 10 Mar, 2023 - Published by Directorate of ORIC
An online session on “Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice and Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Youth of Balochistan” was held at the University of Turbat (UoT) on 9th March 2023 in the Video Conference Room of the university. The participants of the session were students from various departments of the university. Mr. Bashir Agha, Manager, of the National Incubation Center (NIC) at the University of Balochistan, and Consultant, Trainer, and Entrepreneurial expert was the resource person of the session. The session was organized by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC) in collaboration with the National Expansion Plan of NIC, University of Balochistan. Mr. Bashir Agha discussed various business opportunities for the youth of Balochistan and explained the Business Canvas Model. Dr. Ghulam Jan, Director of ORIC thanked the resource person for sharing his expertise during the session. He said he looked forward to organizing more sessions at Turbat University in collaboration with the University of Balochistan in the future.

Report by Dr. Ghula Jan, Director ORIC, UoT