Workshop on UI Green Metric World Universities Ranking Held at UoT
Posted on 27 Oct, 2023 - Published by
The Higher Education Commission through Green Youth Movement (GYM) – Prime Minister’s Youth Program in collaboration with UI Green Metric, University of Indonesia has organized an online workshop on UI Green Metric World Universities Ranking on October 26, 2023, at the Video Conference Room of the University of Turbat (UoT).

The focal Person, Oversight Committee, and Members of the Green Youth Movement Club University of Turbat attended the session.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri. Fitri. Sari, Chairperson UI Green Metric, and Prof. Ir. Gunawan Tjahjono, M. Arch., PhD Expert Member of Research and Development served as resource persons of the workshop.

The workshop was aimed at the readiness of universities to participate in the UI Green Metric World University Ranking, orientation of the GYM clubs on UI Green Metric, and increasing awareness and sensitization among GYM clubs regarding the environmental conditions in their respective universities. The workshop focused on certain ranking criteria, indicators, registrations, submission, and collection of data for UI Green Metric in various areas including setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, and education and research.

Report by Jean Baloch, Lecturer Natural and Basic Science Department, UoT