Third Departmental Board of Studies, conducted by Department of Chemistry, UoT
Posted on 09 Apr, 2018 - Published by
The Department of Chemistry, University of Turbat conducted its third meeting of Departmental Board of Studies on 09th April, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. Haneef Ur Rehman, Dean Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Turbat/Chairman Chemistry Department. Dr. Afsheen Aman Assistant Professor from Dr. A.Q. Khan Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (KIBGE), University of Karachi. The members of the Board of studies, Department of Chemistry, developed frame work and the curriculum of BS in Biochemistry 2018 and revised the Curriculum BS Chemistry 2018. Finally, the members visited the classes and interacted with students of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
The members of the Board of studies, Department of Chemistry, developed frame work and the curriculum of BS in Biochemistry 2018 and revised the Curriculum BS Chemistry 2018. Finally, the members visited the classes and interacted with students of Chemistry and Biochemistry.