Prime Minister Imran Khan visits University of Turbat and address the UoT faculty and Students. "Elevating Balochistan part of my vision" says PM
Posted on 15 Nov, 2020 - Published by
Prime minister Imran Khan on 13th November, 2020 had visited University of Turbat and addressed to the faculty, administrative staff and students of the university. He also inaugurated numerous development projects including “Establishment of University of Turbat Phase-ll)

Governor Balochistan Justice (R) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai, Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan Aliani, Chief Minister Panjab Sardar Muhammad Usman Buzdar, Federal Ministers Zubaida Jalal, Shibli Faraz, Assad Umer, Ejaz Shah, Murad Saeed, Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Khan Suri, Provincial ministers Mir Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, Sardar Saleh Bhutani, Engineer Zamruk Khan Achakzai, Mir Saleem Khosa, Mir Ziaullah Langau, , Noor Muhammad Dummar, Mir Arif Muhammad Hassani, Bushra Rind, Sania Nishtar, Auwn Abbas, Malik Naeem Khan Bazai, Haji Muhammad Khan Lehri, Mir Imran Khan Jamali, members provincial assembly Lala Abdul Rasheed, Syed Ehsan Shah, Akbar Askani, Qadir Ali Nael, Mahjabeen Sheeran, chief secretary Balochistan Captain ® Fazeel Asghar, Aamir Mehmood Kiani, Coordinator to CM Mir Abdul Rauf Rind, Spokesman Government of Balochistan Liaqat Shahwani, Chief Secretary Balochistan, Addl Chief Sec Dev Abdul Rehman Buzdar, provincial Secretaries, Commissioner Mekran, officers, Deans Directors, faculty members, administrative staff and students of the university were present on this occasion.
Addressing to the faculty, admin and students of the University PM Imran Khan said that the Punjab government had more than doubled the number of higher education scholarships for Baloch students from 135 to 360. He said “elevating Balochistan 'part of my Eemaan' and Pakistan’s progress depends on Balochistan.” He promised to provide "maximum funds" for Balochistan's education sector. In his address, the prime minister termed students as the country's "asset and future" and said that the government wanted "an intellectual base to be prepared in Balochistan which would be ready to meet the challenges of today’s world". Stressing the importance of uniform development of all provinces, the premier said: "The prosperity of Balochistan is linked with the prosperity of Pakistan and his government is making all-out efforts to bring Balochistan on at par with other parts of the country in terms of development.” According to him, the strength of the federation depends on equal level of progress in all federating units.
The government, the premier said, is determined to ensure uplift of the people of Balochistan and provide them facilities in all areas particularly education and health, on a par with the rest of the country. “You are the future leaders of Pakistan and the intellect which will lead the country’s journey towards prosperity,” he told the students. “A dream is realized when a person refuses to give up and continues to achieve his goals,” he told the students, urging them to never quit in difficult situations and always rise from the ashes.
The prime minister said advancements in information technology had opened up a multitude of opportunities for virtual education and urged students in Balochistan's remote areas to avail online facilities to gain education. The PM said the "new revolution coming in the world" was crucial for the youth and Pakistan had a young population. "So, to obtain the most benefit from the information communication technology, it was necessary for us to provide Internet facilities to Balochistan's far-off areas," he said.

"Knowledge," he said, "makes humans unique from other creatures. No society has progressed without education.
He stressed that he was in Turbat neither on a political trip nor for votes but because "this is a part of my imaan [faith] that a people never progress unless and until they bring forward with them the weaker portion of the society". About his vision to transform Pakistan into a welfare state, the PM said quest for knowledge was an important feature of the world’s first welfare Islamic State of Madina.

He said education helped the people to distinguish between right or wrong and mentioned a saying of the Prophet (PBUH) who told people "to seek knowledge from the cradle to grave". He said Muslim ruled the world for hundreds of years but a decline occurred when they started ignoring education.
"I want to assure you completely of our efforts for poor households and the salaried people who do not have enough money to build their own houses — we're bringing the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme here in Balochistan as well, God willing," he said.
PM Imran Khan counted “Pakistan's victories, saying the economy was improving, deficits reducing, let me tell you another thing: In the past four months, Pakistan did not obtain a single loan in the past four months and this, too, is a major achievement.”
"Pakistan's stock market is the best performing one in Asia and what I want to say is that despite all these challenges, God was benevolent to us, our policies were successful and our country is progressing today.
Prime minister Imran Khan laid foundation stones of various socio-economic uplift projects for the development of underprivileged districts of South Balochistan.
PM Imran Khan also addressed to the notables and elders of district Kech and announced an extensive and multidimensional package for the development of South Balochistan. Governor Balochistan and Chancellor UoT Justice (R ) Amanullah Khan Yasinzai, Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani, CM Punjab Usman Buzdar, Federal Minister Zubaida Jalal and Asad Umar also addressed on this occasion.
Earlier, PM also laid foundation stone of the project “Establishment of University of Turbat phase-II of Rs.1.54 (B). While briefing the Prime Minister, the Vice Chancellor University of Turbat Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir alongwith project consultant termed this project as testament of another big achievement accomplished by the Turbat University in short time that speaks volumes of tireless efforts of the administrative staff, faculty members, students, project section and representative of the area. He said that the phase-II of the university includes 6 academic blocks, 6 lecture halls, 2 girls’ hostel, 1 boy’s hostel, 1 mess blocks, 10 faculty and staff houses, common facilities and other components. The VC added that the PC-1 of the project was approved on 6th June 2020 in CDWP and administrative approval was given on 7th October, 2020. The design and construction duration of the project is 36 months.

Vice Chancellor thanked PM Imran Khan for visiting Turbat University and laying foundation stone of many projects including phase-II of the university. He said University of Turbat has the honor for being the ever first university in Balochistan which was visited by any Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Besides 2nd phase of Turbat university PM also laid foundation stone of Basima-Khuzdar Road, Hoshab-Awaran Section, Teaching Hospital at KMC and up gradation project of Turbat International Airport.

He also inaugurated Darul-Ehsaas Center for orphanage children. He also held a separate meeting with both CMs, Governor Balochistan, Commander Southern Command, Zubeda Jalal and Asad Umar. He also held a meeting with federal and provincial ministers Senators, MNA, MPAs cabinet members and parliamentarians in video conference hall of the University. PM planted a tree in the lawn of the university also.