Literary session at IBLC of Turbat University
Posted on 19 Feb, 2023 - Published by
The Institute of Balochi Language and Culture (IBLC), University of Turbat (UoT) has organized a literary session at IBLC on 16th February 2023 in the honor of Dr. Wahid Bakhsh Buzdar, eminent researcher of Balochi language and literature and Professor at Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Allah Bakhsh Buzdar, eminent poet of Balochi modern poetry, and Tabassum Mazari. The participants of the session discussed the history of Baloch and Balochi language and literature in detail. The session was attended by Professor Dr. Abdul Saboor Baloch, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities and Director of IBLC, Amjid Habib, Head of English Department, UoT, Waja Abdullah Baloch, former Director of Culture Department, GoB, Mumtaz Yusuf, former chairman, Balochi Academy, faculty members and students of English Department and IBLC, and poets and writers of Balochi language. On this occasion, Allah Bakhsh Buzdar and Tabassum Mazari entertained the students with their beautiful poems in the Koh-e-Sulaimani dialect and received a round of applause from the audience. At the end of the program, Dr. Abdul Saboor Baloch thanked the guests for coming to Turbat University and participating in the academic and literary session with the teachers and students of IBLC and the Department of English.

Report by Dr. Tariq Rahim, Assistant Professor, IBLC, UoT