Two faculty members of UoT to serve as Visiting Scientist in Turkey
Posted on 29 Nov, 2021 - Published by
The two faculty members from the University of Turbat (UoT) have been selected to serve as Visiting scientists at the universities and institutes of Turkey in order to carry out academic and R&D activities during the academic period 2022-23.
Dr. Naeemullah, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, and Dr. Rooh Ullah, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural and Basic Science, UoT will work on two separate joint projects with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tuzen of Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey as a host scientist in Turkey. The joint projects will be sponsored by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) under “2221-Visiting Scientists Fellowship Program 2021”. The research scholars/scientists of both universities will work on two different joint projects titled “Development of Smart Miniaturized extraction Methods as a Green Alternative tool for the Removal of Different Types of Pollutants from Different environmental Samples” and “Development of Biosensor Based on Metal Chitosan Nanocomposite for Hazardous Materials Detection and as a Green Alternative Approach for the Removal of Different Types of Pollutants”. The main objective of these projects is to develop and use smart miniaturized green extraction/separation methods as an alternative to the classical ones for the removal of different types of toxic pollutants from different environmental samples and to develop chitosan nanocomposite based biosensor detection materials for these toxic pollutants.
Congratulating Dr. Naeem Ullah and Dr. Rooh Ullah for being selected as Visiting Scientist in Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey, the UoT’s vice-chancellor, Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad said that these joint projects would help in promoting scientific and technological collaboration between Turkey and Pakistan in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The vice-chancellor anticipated that besides bringing about a milestone in the field of separation science and biosensor detection materials, such joint projects would open new vistas of collaboration between the University of Turbat and universities in Turkey.