Minber-o-Mehrab Paigham-e-Pakistan Conference held in Turbat University
Posted on 21 Mar, 2022 - Published by
Minber-o-Mehrab Paigham-e-Pakistan Conference was held at the University of Turbat on the 18th of March, 2022. The Conference was chaired by Molana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, Imam Badshahi Masjid, and Chairman Ruet Hilal Committee of Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad, Vice-Chancellor (VC), University of Turbat (UoT), faculty members, religious scholars from different schools of thought, Imams of mosques, preachers, and students at large number attended the conference.

Addressing on the occasion on the role of Minber-o-Mehrab for Peace Building and national integration, the ambassador of peace Molana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad thanked VC UoT and the administration of the University for organizing Minber-o-Mehrab Paigham-e-Pakistan Conference at UoT. He said that Minber-o-Mehrab has played a key role in promoting the narrative of Paigham-e-Pakistan.
He said that the main purpose of organizing this conference is to ensure the stability of Pakistan, non-violent society, respect for humanity, and to promote a narrative of Paigham-e-Pakistan.

He said that the Minber-o-Mehrab is a great source of protection and promotion of the Muslim Ummah. It removed the darkness and promoted the light of faith throughout the world. The UNO has done a great job by adopting a resolution on Islamophobia.
Addressing the occasion, Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad, VC UoT, welcomed and thanked Molana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad and his team for visiting the University of Turbat and participating in the conference. He said that such conference plays an important role in promoting unity and harmony among all the citizens of the country which helps in bringing about progress and prosperity in the country.

Dr. Ayaz Shah, Dr. Zakir, and Mr. Shakir Baloch also shared their views on different aspects of the conference including the Importance of Paigham-e-Pakistan, Role of Faculty for Perception Management and Conflict Resolution, and National Integration, Peace, Prosperity and Harmony in Society.