Science Club of University of Turbat organizes various scientific sessions
Posted on 03 Apr, 2022 - Published by
The Science Club of the University of Turbat (UoT) organized various scientific sessions at University on 31st March and 1st April 2022. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Laghari, a Senior Scientific Officer and Deputy Quality Manager at Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), Karachi was the resource person of the scientific sessions.

The first and second day’s scientific sessions were chaired by Dr. Naeemullah, Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Dr. Haneef Ur Rehman, Associate Professor, respectively. The sessions were attended by the students and scholars of M.Phil. Master and BS programs. During the scientific sessions, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Laghari provided detailed information regarding the PCSIR laboratory, its functions, and different sections. He also identified various opportunities and facilities that the students of the University of Turbat can avail there at PCSIR.
Different ongoing and future PSDP projects were also discussed during the sessions to encourage the students and research scholars to pursue a research career ahead. He also briefed the participants about the internship opportunities and procedures for the submission of applications for internships at PCSIR. He offered the students and researchers of Turbat University to send their research samples to PCSIR for characterization.

During the session, the participants were also briefed regarding Career Counselling and developing a standard CV according to the job requirements. The participants were also informed regarding the pattern and score requirements of different international tests including GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS for availing fellowship and scholarships to pursue higher and advanced studies abroad.
On the second day of the event, an exclusive interactive session with M.Phil scholars was held in the Lecture Hall, in which the research topics of the scholars were discussed. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Laghari, Dr. Naeemullah, Dr. Haneef Ur Rehman, Dr. Jeand Ibrahim, and other Ph.D. scholars also participated in the interactive session. HPLC and its instrumentation were also shared with the students during the session, and the participants also deliberated on different types of solvents, advantages, and disadvantages of HPLC, and factors that might influence the analysis.

Earlier, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Laghari met with Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad, Vice-Chancellor, the University of Turbat in his chamber and discussed the possibilities of enhancing research collaboration between Turbat University and PCSIR. The Vice-Chancellor thanked him for visiting Turbat University and holding sessions on various scientific and research topics for the students and research scholars of the university. The Vice-Chancellor also presented him with a commemorative shield of the university on the occasion.

Report by Ms. Shakira Allah Bakhsh, student and a leading member of UoT’s Science Club.