Interaction session on "Education Streaming: A Roadmap towards Quality Education” held at UoT
Posted on 18 Feb, 2023 - Published by
The Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Turbat organized an interactive session on "Education Streaming: A Roadmap towards Quality Education” at Education Department on 16th February 2023. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdul Saboor Baloch, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, and attended by faculty members and students in large numbers. Besides, the significance of the education streaming as a means of providing quality education to students, the resource person of the session, Atique Ur Rehman also informed the participants about the current elementary educational landscape of Balochistan.

Atique Ur Rehman, an Education Management Specialist who has worked with a variety of national and international organizations, is currently working with a World Bank-funded project PMIU - Government of Punjab as an ECE Curriculum Specialist.

The need for collaborative efforts by all stakeholders was emphasized during the session for improving the early grade education system, and ensuring quality education in Balochistan. During the session, Atiq Ur Rehman has given an overview of the current challenges faced by the education sector in Balochistan, and the way forward how to overcome these challenges. While sharing his professional learning experiences in the field of early-grade education, he emphasized the need for a comprehensive strategy to bridge the gap between policies and implementation, curriculum, and textbooks. He lauded the graduates of the Education Department as change agents in the field of school education in Balochistan. Expressing gratitude to the resource person for sharing valuable insights with the students, the Dean Dr. Abdul Saboor Baloch termed the session an enlightening and instructive experience for the students of the Education Department. The participants made the session highly interactive by asking relevant questions, which were answered professionally and with academic prowess by the resource person.