17th meeting of the Advanced Studies & Research Board of UoT
Posted on 05 Oct, 2023 - Published by
The 17th meeting of the Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASRB) of the University of Turbat (UoT) was held at UoT on the 26th of September 2023, under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad.

Dean Academics and Secretary ASRB Dr. Adeel Ahmed presented the agenda of the meeting for deliberation and decision that included confirmation of the minutes of the 16th meeting of ASRB, theses evaluation reports of MPhil scholars of the Institute of Balochi, Language, and Culture (IBLC), and extension cases of the MPhil scholars of Chemistry, IBLC, and MS scholars of Business Administration. Additionally, the ASRB discussed the adoption of the Higher Education Commission's Graduate Education Policy (GEP-2023) and amendments to the existing graduate rules.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice Chancellor said that his administration was working on a strategic plan to make this institution the hub of modern research and advanced knowledge in this region, where researchers from across the country and abroad can come to their University for research purposes.
He said that it is a matter of great importance that with the support of highly qualified faculty members, our institution has made significant progress in the field of advanced studies and quality research.

The meeting was attended by the Deans, Register, Director QEC, Director ORIC, Director Academics, Controller of Examinations, Principals of Affiliated Colleges, and other members of the ASRB.